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Communication Competence

Learners will become effective communicators in their discipline.​
This means that learners must learn how to successfully communicate.

The article that I chose for Communication Competence is an Informative Speech I gave on the difference between male and female communication for my Intro to Communication class (COM-110) during Fall, 2020.  This specific assignment, as well as the Communications class itself, helped me improve my Communication Competence skills. This assignment in particular allowed me to showcase my communication skills and complete two smart goals in regard to Communication Competence. For this assignment, I had to construct a full-sentence outline on a topic related to Communications that I would also give an oral presentation on. The topic that I chose for this speech was the difference between male and female communication. I chose this topic because when we were learning about it in communications, I found myself wanting to know more. I was fascinated with the psychology behind the concept because it is something that I have noticed in my personal relationships. I began the process by constructing an outline that consisted of an introduction, two main points, and a conclusion. My introduction consisted of me introducing myself, my topic, and why I am credible to discuss the topic with my audience. Then, I follow with my thesis, purpose, a preview of my main points, and an appropriate transition. I then lead to my first main point, the differences in verbal communication between men and women. While I discuss this, I verbally cite scientific case studies, authors, doctors, and public speakers. I follow my first point with my second main point, the differences in non-verbal communication. Then, I conclude my paper by restating my thesis and summarizing my informative speech. We used this outline to then construct a PowerPoint presentation that we used for reference while giving our Informative Speech by using Blackboard Collaborative video chatting. The artifact that I attached today is the PowerPoint presentation that includes the key points of my outline and is what I used while giving my oral presentation.  During the oral presentation, I used my communication skills to effectively communicate my purpose to my audience, which was to inform them about the differences in communication between genders.

This brings me to my first goal, to do extensive research on a topic and then effectively organize and communicate the information I gathered to my audience. I believe that I achieved this smart goal because of how well I did on my speech. I spent several hours gathering information from a variety of credible sources to formulate and outline that I then used to create my PowerPoint for my speech. Then, I used this PowerPoint to effectively communicate my informative topic to my audience. I believe that I had an extremely effective Introduction because I took the time to ensure that I met all of the criteria; I made sure that I included each component of the Introduction listed in the criteria, as well as the correct order. The organizational pattern I used for my speech was topical. This was appropriate for my topic because I summarized my entire topic with two main points, verbal and nonverbal differences in communication. My second smart goal was to truly absorb and memorize the information used in my speech to ensure that I sounded natural while giving the speech to further my Communication Competence skills. After taking my Public Speaking class my first semester at SPCC and giving my first two speeches, I made it a communication goal of mine to never sound like I was reading from a script. I believe that I accomplished this goal because of the time and effort I put towards making sure I was very well prepared. For instance, practicing countless times on my friends and family, days before even giving the speech, as well as the hours of research put into the Outline & Powerpoint. I believe it was because of these things that I was able to speak confidently and directly to my audience. 

    Information and Media Literacy

Learners will demonstrate the ability to know when there is a need for information, to be able to identify, locate, evaluate, and effectively and responsibly use and share that information for the problem at hand.​
​This means that learners must be able to identify and evaluate information that applies to a particular issue.


    The article that I chose for Information and Media Literacy is a Written Report I wrote in Introduction to Criminal Justice (CJC-111) in Spring, 2020 on Human Trafficking. This report is another example of an assignment that I completed at SPCC that allowed me to showcase my true writing abilities. I was able to do this because I was given the opportunity to choose any topic that could be related to Criminal Justice, and I chose one that I feel very strongly about. The title of my paper was, “The Horrifying Truth about Human Trafficking.” I began my paper by introducing  Human Trafficking to those who are ignorant on the subject and how the process of targeting victims goes. I touch upon the background of Human Trafficking, as well as how prominent it is in our very own,  Charlotte, North Carolina. Lastly, I provide my personal opinion on the topic and how we as a society can help.


    I chose this topic because I am passionate about the hidden crime of Human Trafficking and I have even done research outside of school regarding why there is such a lack of media coverage when it comes to such a serious crime. When I came across the information that one of the most popular locations for Human Trafficking to occur was Charlotte, North Carolina, I was astounded to find out such a horrendous crime was taking place in my own backyard. I had to know more and as soon as the opportunity to do more in-depth research on the topic presented itself, I took it. 

    In the process of writing this paper, I was able to complete two smart goals that pertain to Information and Media Literacy. The first of these smart goals was to do extensive research on a particular issue to effectively use and share the information about the issue to my audience. I was able to achieve this throughout the entire process of writing this paper. It was particularly important that I chose to use the information I gathered responsibly, as well as communicate it effectively considering the sensitivity of the topic at stake. I had to do quite an extensive bit of research about this topic because unfortunately, Human Trafficking is something the media doesn’t cover often. However, that is a whole different topic within itself; therefore, it made the process of gathering research much longer and more difficult. 
This brings me to my next smart goal was to verify and ensure that I use only the utmost credible sources when writing a paper. The way I did this was by thoroughly analyzing each source of information. These means checking the author's page and looking for credentials, whether or not the website was registered by the government or an educational institute, (.gov, .edu, etc.) and even when the information was published. There were a few sources that I found some valuable information pertaining to my topic that unfortunately, I deemed as unreliable after checking the author's page. Again, ensuring that my sources are particularly important for this topic and are necessary for ensuring there is no misinformation being given as well.

    Overall, the experience of writing this paper was a highly informative one to say the least. The information that I researched, analyzed, evaluated, and shared is highly important and something that I believe everyone should be educated on. In addition to gaining information for this paper through research, I also used various other media outlets to gather my research for this paper, such as films, documentaries, and news articles. Through this paper, I was most definitely able to improve my overall information and media literacy skills, while also getting to inform an audience about a topic that I am passionate about.

Understanding the Arts and the Human Experience





Learners will demonstrate an understanding of arts and humanities in historical and cultural contexts.

This means that learners must develop an understanding of art and human experience in different circumstances. 

     The Artifact I chose for Understanding the Arts and the Human Experience was a research paper for Music Appreciation (MUS-110) in Spring, 2019. I chose this research paper as my artifact because it allowed me to further my understanding of both the arts and the human experience in one assignment. The topic of my paper was, “The Effects of Music on our Brain.” Therefore, in order to construct a paper on this topic, I had to research both the arts and the human experience; the arts being music and the human experience being the effect of the music on our brain. I began this paper with a quote from Billy Joel to grab the audience's attention, and then followed it by introducing the effects of music on our brain. In addition to this, I highlighted both the benefits and the negative effects of music on our brain, as well as how music correlates to our education system. Lastly, I concluded the paper with a summary of my main points and closed with another quote to wrap up my paper in an organized manner. I chose this particular topic because not only do I love music, but I love psychology as well. I took this as an opportunity to combine two things that interested me and how they affect one another. 

   In addition to furthering my knowledge of those two things, I was also able to complete two smart goals in regards to the arts and the human experience.  The first of these goals would be to develop extensive knowledge of the psychological benefits of the arts. The second of these goals to locate and analyze information about the music that is beyond what I already know. In reference to my first smart goal, I was able to achieve through the research I completed for this paper about the benefits of music on the human brain; I also did additional research beyond how music affects our brain, but how all of the arts can psychologically benefit us. This is a concept that has always fascinated me, probably because I am very into the arts myself. 
My second smart goal was achieved through not just the process of composing this paper, but throughout the entirety of this class. I was able to further expand my understanding of Music, along with its background, and history. I have always considered myself to be knowledgable when it comes to music, but after taking this class I realized there was so much I didn’t know, including the complexity of the topic itself. 


    Overall, I enjoyed both this class and writing this assignment. I was able to accomplish my two smart goals for this Program Outcome, as well as further my knowledge about the Arts and the Human Experience, and how they correlate with one another.  It is rare that we have assignments that give us the creative freedom to write about not just one, but two subjects that are particular to our personal interests in just one paper. I’m glad I was able to have an opportunity to do so and learn some magnificent effects of music on the human brain.


Creative Problem Solving


Learners will apply appropriate techniques to solving problems within their discipline.

This means that learners must use specific problem-solving strategies pertaining to their discipline. 

     The artifact I chose for Creative Problem Solving was a Fermentation Lab from Principles of Biology (BIO-110). For this lab, I was able to use specific problem-solving strategies that pertained to my discipline in order to perform this lab correctly, and improve my overall Creative Problem-Solving skills. This lab report was constructed based on a hands-on experiment that we did in Biology class called the Fermentation Lab. Based on this experiment, we constructed a six-page lab report based on the process and our experience. The lab report included an Introduction to and background of the subject of fermentation, and formulating a personal hypothesis for the outcome of the experiment. For my hypothesis, I predicted that the outcome of this experiment would be that the higher the acidity of the liquid, the more fast production. Then, I introduced the different materials involved in performing this experiment. Then, I go into depth about the procedure of the experiment that took place and how creative problem-solving skills were used in the process. Lastly, I concluded with a chart that displayed the results of the experiment. At the end of the lab, my hypothesis was proven to be correct and I credit this to the creative problem skills involved in the process of conducting that prediction.


    This brings me to my first smart goal being, construct a hypothesis based on the usage of creative problem-solving skills. I did this by expanding my knowledge of fermentation prior to the experiment and brainstorming potential outcomes and solutions based on the information I learned. My second smart goal was to use a strategic framework and steps to solve a complex problem. In this circumstance, I used the scientific method as a strategic framework to help me complete this experiment. We began this process by gathering information to form a hypothesis. Then, based on the hypothesis we made observations and recorded the outcomes of the liquids over the course of 90 minutes. Lastly, we used this information to construct a graph, and draw a conclusion. 

   While Science has never been one of my strong suits, I have always thoroughly enjoyed using my critical thinking skills to solve a problem. Therefore, I found myself surprisingly enjoying the experiment side of Biology, particularly this experiment. In the process of completing this lab, I was able to accomplish two smart goals, as well as further my Critical Thinking skills.

Social Scientific Literacy

Learners will demonstrate an understanding of social science methodologies in order to explain the consequences of human actions.

This means the learner must comprehend social science methods in order to effectively explain the consequences of our actions. 

    The artifact that I chose for Social Scientific Literacy was a report for Introduction to Sociology (SOC-110) on the mental and physical effects of Cannabis. I took it upon myself as a challenge to select a controversial topic for this paper, and I am satisfied with my decision in doing so.I began the paper by introducing the topic with the heading, “The Controversial Plant.” I chose this heading to grab the audience's attention, because what is more attention-grabbing than something controversial? In addition to my taste for controversy, I chose the topic because I wanted to further my knowledge on the topic because I have seen the mental health benefits of it first hand.

   I begin my paper with some statistics regarding the legalization of Cannabis and introduce my three main points. For my first main point, I discuss the extensive health benefits of plant medicine and how it can serve as a natural alternative for so many addictive legal medications. I cover both the mental and physical health benefits, which contrary to popular opinion,  happens to be quite an extensive list, to say the least. In addition to my own research and opinions, I also reference credible sources such as mental health experts, doctors, and Harvard Health. Then, I discuss additional benefits, including the reduction of crime rates. For my second main point, I discuss the opposing perspective. I think it is important that when discussing a controversial topic that we show our audience that we have also educated ourselves upon and acknowledged the opposing perspective. It shows that we are come from a non-biased standpoint and can be beneficial towards getting your point across. While discussing this opposing perspective, I discuss in depth the negative stigma that has surrounded Cannabis since the beginning of its history. Lastly, I bring in a Sociological perspective of the legalization of the plant and relate it directly to the Conflict Theory and the Functionalist perspective.  I also briefly correlate it to the Social Exchange Theory to prove that the perception of impacts plays a direct role in an individual's level of support for Marijuana tourism development. Finally, I conclude my paper by summarizing my three main points and my personal perspective on the legalization of cannabis nationwide. 

   While completing this paper, I also was able to achieve two smart goals that relate to Social Scientific Literacy in the process. The first of these smart goals was to find a correlation between a subject matter and a scientific or sociological theory. I did this in this paper three times by using the Social Exchange Theory, the Conflict Theory, and the Functionalist perspective to back up my argument on the legalization of medicinal Cannabis, as well as how it correlates to one's perspective of the subject matter. My second goal was to use a social science method to develop a complex understanding of a particular topic. In this circumstance, I used a variety of research tools such as credible websites, articles published by doctors, statistical evidence to back up my claims, and educational films. In addition to this, I referenced a field study that was conducted to back up my usage of the Social Exchange Theory. 

   Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed writing this paper, both the process and the outcome. If I were to change anything, I think I would have added a bit more quantitative research and statistics to further my point, as well as go a bit more in-depth with my research. I believe that I did a good job with this paper, and I most definitely learned a lot. However, there is always room for improvement, and I am continuously looking for ways to do so. 

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